Saturday, May 1, 2010

[Family Gathering]: Suprise Birthday Party For Cousin Hafiz on His 18th Bday

On 28th April,Uri cousin,Hafiz celebrate his 18 birthday at Bkt.Sibut,Tutong a.k.a Cheju Island!!
Last but not least,the "guest" of honnor which well quiet suspend actually (Eh ngalih ku bpkr x ah sapa yang kn special guest...almaklumlah how many days and years nda na ksana iatah hilang ingatan skajap!!)

1st guest from Seoul arrived,Shin Henney and Her appa then followed by ADAM FAMILY'S

 Menunggu ketibaan "Guest of Honnor"....Alalalala cutenyer uri nephew,addin

 hang out for a while...we also serve Kuaci as deserts also while waiting the the mystery guest

    Anyoaesayo, Nae ireum-mun Addin mida

Busy negotiatons among Azman Adam Lee,Nurazeezah Umar and Rini Azura!! drng ani otw kn buat kejutan iatah bcakap pun you know lah ah....Btw,mana Shin Henney??
 Note:Shin Henney appointed as photographer

Addin appa said peace to the world

Hafiz with the white clothes atu tah kmi kn bgi kejutan!!!

Mmmmm....Hafiz aka Yea' (only family's already use to called him Yea')
Namja with the black shirt is,Mae namanya!!!

Congratulations to Hafiz and Happy Bday. Wishes You All The Best

Ummmmmmmm.....Speechless actually after looking this picture!!!

From left: Iskandar,Azman Adam Lee, Fatin Haszirah Henney, Nurazeezah Umar, Ajul hyungnim and Rini Azura and Mae(the boy at the back)
Front: Our nephew's, Hafiz the Bday Boy and Shafiq

Iskandar and Ms.Jang Woo Young!!! Btw, Im support KangTa tu ah!!

We always do Family Gathering  here!!

Ehmmmm....Today we also have family fiesta which is Majlis Bebadak for my cousin Diddy and his wife to be and wishes happy birthday to La 'Onnyi' (bianae I don't how to prounce her name actually because I'm still confused her name). Well~Diddy only a few hours left to say goodbye to your bachelor days!!! 

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