Friday, April 30, 2010

[Trans] At the Midas Valley Golf Club

Reposted from suehan's blog

Original In Korean: Veronica
Date/Time: 2010.04.29 15:13
Translated into English: suehan

I saw a neatly dressed young man, who was eating at the club house of Midas Valley Golf Club. 
It looked like I’ve seen him somewhere. 
I looked at him carefully, and it was Yonsama who was having lunch.

Brave Veronica made eye contact with Bae Yong Joon and humbly asked for his autograph.
He autographed on his own picture.
He wanted me to pay for the picture.
I asked him how much he wanted.
He responded that it would be seven hundred Won (suehan: about US 65 cents)
I said that it was too cheap.
And He joked by saying, “Then, do you want me raise the price to nine hundred won (suehan: about US 80 cents)?

He was slim, had long legs, and was well-mannered. 
It has been about 10 years since my heart beat accelerated for a man.

suehan: I brought the picture of the club house of golf club from their website,

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