Sunday, July 4, 2010

[Black and White Version]:Md.Izmy celebrated his 1st Bday on 15th June 2010

Once upon a time there is a family gathering..............

We begun with "Open Rasmi" by Mz.Kal (Prime Minister Of Cheju)...

The atmosphere b4 the celebration.

Bday boy of the day,Md.izmy aliuddin aka Baby Panda

Shin Woo: Ba sapa2kn mau kek baik tah kemari.
Mz.Kal: Luan jua lelaki sebalah ani eh,kan bekurapak ganya :((

alum ready ne due to ada ornh menyampuk....

Caked Case!!! Photographer pun tekana x ah...:(((

Uncle and nephew....

From right: Adden, Boy,Wani,Unnie azura and last but not least C.ayang

Family's Pictorial Shoot From Cousins to Niece and lastly Nephew

Unnie~~Sampat lagi b'pose tu....Urng sibuk mngambil makanan,ish...ish...ish

Amber rraaangg~

Haeng Bokhage x ah time kn ambil makanan....

She playing peek-a-boo to you x ah...

Warning: perhatikan banar2 gmbr ani ah ada...then liat sambungan seterusnya.

wakakakakakaka.....apa ja!

Sun Ha Boyfriend...^^'

Ok guys that's all for the Black and White Version. Insya allah if I've time I'll revealed more...Lastly I'm sorry if I wrote misunderstang jokes.

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